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Does the number of recharges of the lithium iron phosphate battery affect the service life?

Views: 1     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-09-25      Origin: Site

The cycle life of a lead-acid battery is about 300 times, and the maximum is 500 times, but the cycle life of a lithium iron phosphate battery can reach more than 2000 times, and it can reach 2000 times after standard charging (5 hours rate). Lead-acid batteries of the same quality are “The new half year, the old half year, and the maintenance for half a year” can take up to 1 to 1.5 years, while the theoretical life of lithium iron phosphate batteries under the same conditions will reach 7 to 8 years. Comprehensive considerations, in theory, the cost-effectiveness of lithium batteries is that of lead-acid batteries. More than 4 times, high current discharge can be quickly charged and discharged under 2C high current, under the special charger, the battery can be fully charged within 40 minutes after 1.5C charging, the starting current can reach 2C, while the lead-acid battery There is no such performance.

Does the number of recharges of the lithium iron phosphate battery affect the battery life?

The lifespan of lithium batteries decreases as the number of recharges increases. The number of charging times of lithium batteries is generally 2000-3000 times. After doing so many cycles, the storage capacity of lithium batteries will decrease to a certain extent. For example, for lithium batteries, the nominal charge-discharge cycle is “not less than 60% of the nominal capacity after 500 cycles”, that is, after 500 cycles, the battery can only store 60% of the new battery’s power, which means a certain degree of performance Decline. Use lithium batteries and charge them during use. Don’t wait until the battery is empty to charge. this is not good. It is right to charge frequently.

Does the number of recharges of the lithium iron phosphate battery affect the service life?

Lithium Iron Phosphate

The number of times the lithium iron phosphate battery is charged will affect the battery life. Because the life of a lithium battery is generally 300-500 charging cycles, the number of recharges is one of the indicators of battery life. The life span of a lithium battery is approximately 1,000 times. However, the charging time is deep charging and discharging. Shallow filling is not complete. In fact, the use of lithium batteries does not need to be so entangled. If the battery affects the use, please replace it with a new one.

Charging method of lithium iron phosphate battery:

Lithium rechargeable batteries have been widely used. Lithium iron phosphate batteries are being used more and more because of their unique advantages. The charger of lithium iron phosphate battery is different from ordinary lithium battery.

1. Some mobile phone chargers are protected. When the voltage of lithium batteries reaches 4.2 volts, they stop charging. My idea is to connect a slightly higher power silicon diode in series between the lithium iron phosphate battery and the charger (the forward voltage drop is about 0.6V). When the battery voltage of lithium iron phosphate reaches 3.6V and the diode voltage drop is just 4.2V, it can also be detected by the charger and stop charging.

2. The mobile phone battery protection circuit is taken out and used for charging protection of the lithium iron phosphate battery. When charging, a diode is connected in series according to the above-mentioned principle, which plays a protective role of 4.2 volts.

Lithium iron phosphate does not have a fixed limit on the number of times the battery can be charged. The battery produced by a regular manufacturer can be charged and discharged at least 500 times, the capacity remains above 80% of the initial capacity, and it can be used once a day for 2 years. Under normal circumstances, charging the mobile phone battery 1000 times will cause the battery to become severely durable. The number of recharges for lithium batteries is not as many as possible.

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